Things I am grateful for

  1. I have a husband to whom I can say, when I hear crying at 6:30 "it’s your turn; I was up with them in the middle of the night."
  2. We have a washing machine in the house, so we don’t have to schlepp the puke covered clothes, sheets, and high chair cover to a laundromat.
  3. Because there are two adults in this family, I didn’t have to choose between not having any groceries for the weekend and dragging two sick kids to the supermarket right before a major snowstorm is predicted.  (T. tried going last night, and the lines were all the way down the aisles; he talked to someone who had been on line for an hour and a half.)
  4. The birthday party scheduled for tomorrow is at home, so we can wait until the morning to make a final call on whether to proceed.  And if we decide to reschedule, we’re not out several hundred dollars.

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