Cute kid stories

David at Scrivenings is calling for more cute kid stories, so I thought I’d oblige.

1)  Sunday morning at the Zoo, the first warm weekend in about a month.  N was happy in the stroller until I took him out to go into the Big Ape House, but now he doesn’t want to get back in.  He’s walking down the main path, falling about every 10 steps, but picking himself up each time without a peep of protest and continuing.  D is happy to take his place in the stroller, and is shouting "Go N. go!"   About as good as parenting gets.

2)  D hates the nebulizer, but is starting to understand that it makes him feel better.  In the car, he has a coughing fit.  He announces his plan: "We go home, and I take my jet medicine [his name for the nebulizer, as the face mask looks like a pilot’s], and I cry, and then doggie helps me calm down."

2 Responses to “Cute kid stories”

  1. Scrivener Says:

    I love the plan–it’s important to budget time for the crying fit too, you know. My almost-four-year-old does something similar too. She’s been really into making these kinds of plans of late and those plans often include, if not exactly crying, at least some odd or quirky little details. I’m having a hard time at the moment thinking of a good example though, dangitt. All I’m coming up with is on the way home from school today, she said “I want to go home and not stop at a restaurant, and then take my shoes off, and we can make dinner, and then I’m going to go right to sleep because I’m really sleepy.” I’m sure she’s had much better non sequitors than taking her shoes off, though.
    And isn’t it wonderful when they support and affirm one another?
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Scrivener Says:

    I’ve got a new story up very similar to your #1:

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