Bother, said Pooh

So I had a PTA meeting tonight.  (Yes, I’m the PTA secretary even though my kids aren’t school age.  Some of it is that I’m a compulsive joiner; some of it is that it looked like there might not be a PTA this year if some of the preschool parents didn’t help out.  And I figured it would help me decide whether I wanted to send my kids there.)

The bombshell of the evening was that the principal’s husband has taken a job in Florida, and she may or may not be coming back next year.  If not, the school will be having its fifth principal in six years.  I can’t imagine the teachers — especially those who followed her from her previous school — will be happy.  This could really be a blow to a school that was just getting on its feet.

We’ve got another year before we need to make our decision, but I’m feeling a lot less confident than I was on Saturday.

One Response to “Bother, said Pooh”

  1. Eve Says:

    Ack! That’s horrible; the principal matters so much.

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