
Arrgh!  Typepad just ate my post so I have to start over. 

Arrrr!  Did you know that today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day?  It’s a wonderful example of how silliness can take off.  Two guys had an idea, they emailed Dave Barry, and the rest is history.

Oh come on, some of you are saying, it’s not a real holiday.  Well, my local Barnes and Noble thinks it is.  We went in last week, and they have a big display labelled "September 19: Talk Like A Pirate Day."  Ok, it’s hidden in the children’s section, but still… if it’s being merchandised, it must be a real holiday.  Shiver me timbers!  And flea is even offering a special discount of 40% off all purchases from her sex toy shop

So, go to it.   Arrr.

Update: Pass the grog, mateys!  Many of my favorite bloggers are joining in the party:

3 Responses to “Arrrr!”

  1. Wayne Says:

    AAARRRRR! I noticed yer not be talkin’ like a pirate, my good mate! Are ye sure yer not actually a landlubber scallywag and scurvy knave? Swab the poopdeck, wench!

  2. Becca Says:

    That explains why the fabulous kids music show on our favorite college radio station played a pirate medley last night! Who knew?!

  3. Melanie Lynne Hauser Says:

    Well, I’m so pooped from trying to blog like a pirate everywhere else, that I’m just going to give up. Avast me hearties.

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