Dinosaur challah

For once, I remembered at a reasonable hour on Thursday night that I need to make the challah dough if we want fresh challah for Friday evening.

I asked D if he wanted to help me make the challah, and got an enthusiastic yes.  So we measured out yeast, water, oil, salt and sugar, cracked in an egg, and started adding flour and stirring.  I showed him how we added flour until the dough wasn’t sticky anymore, then turned it out onto a cutting board to knead.

After a minute, D asked if he could have a turn so I let him pound the dough a bit.  "Roar!"  he said, "Stomp!  Stomp"

"Are you a monster?" I asked.

"A dinosaur.  Roar!"

I asked if I could have a turn, and folded the challah over a few times.  "Ok, you can go again. Stomp that dough." 

He banged away at it.  "Now I’m going to turn over the entire city!"  He folded it, carefuly copying my actions.  "Roar!"

5 Responses to “Dinosaur challah”

  1. Phantom Scribbler Says:

    That’s adorable!

  2. Susan Says:

    This is very funny! Our adventures in challah baking have led to a new bedtime game, wherein my daughter pretends to be challah dough, which needs to be mixed and kneaded (while she is giggling in her pjs under the blanket) and then allowed to rise (she sits up under the blanked), kneaded some more (more tickles!) and then baked. It’s hysterically funny if you’re 3 (or the mother of the loaf).
    I wish I remembered the (real) challah dough earlier this aft, though.

  3. landismom Says:

    Phantom Scribbler is right, that is adorable!

  4. Jody Says:

    Yeah. That story? Totally adorable.
    I like the little challah bread girl in bed, too.

  5. sheryl Says:

    That’s like the book Pete’s a Pizza by William Steig I think. Great book if you don’t already have it. It’s one of our favorites around here. Read about it on momready.com. Even my 9 year old still likes it.

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