Fictious blogs

Both the New Yorker and the New York Times have had recent stories about "Article III Groupie," a gossipy blog about judges, supposedly written by a female lawyer at a big NY firm, but actually written by a bored male prosecutor.

A tip of the hat to Judge Posner, who last year suggested that the supposed author might be a fiction.

"I have a theory that the author is not a she, but a he," Judge Posner told The ABA Journal eReport. "The thing is exaggeratedly feminine and constantly drawing attention to her gender."

It reminded me a lot of the fake Harriet Miers blog that got a lot of attention when she was the nominee.   It showed her as obsessed about her appearance and everyone’s opinion of her, and generally sounding like someone out of Sweet Valley High.  I don’t see anyone making those sorts of jokes about even equally mediocre male candidates, even though in real life, it was Michael Brown who was busy sending email about where he got the suit he wore on TV during the midst of the Katrina crises.

Another famous fictional blog is Anonymous Lawyer.  It’s written from the supposed POV of a hiring partner in a big firm, but was actually started by a 3rd year law student.  He fooled a good number of people though. 

4 Responses to “Fictious blogs”

  1. landismom Says:

    Heh. I love Anonymous Lawyer, also DTNS Internet (, which purports to be the employee message board of a company that does I don’t know what.
    But I agree, it is time for equal opportunity pseudo-blogging when it comes to judicial nominees.

  2. Angry Pregnant Lawyer Says:

    I’m actually a sixty-two-year-old man with no kids and twelve cats.

  3. Mark Says:

    Is this a lawyers only thing or could Dooce actually be a man?
    BTW, there has been a Harriet Meirs-like parody blog for Alito since even before he was nominated.
    Nowhere near as good as the Meirs blog, though.

  4. dave s Says:

    Article III Groupie was lots of fun, I looked at it couple times a week, and I’m sorry the author has decided to hang it up.

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