To do: Sleep

I’ve been finding myself staying up later and later.  We usually don’t get D to bed until almost 9, and there’s just too much that I want to get done in the evenings.  I often find myself at 11, or later, trying to squeeze in one more item from my to do list.  But it’s not good for me to be walking around like a zombie.

So, the latest addition to my to-do list is "Go to bed by 11 pm."  It sounds silly, but it’s  helping, by making going to bed at a reasonable time one of the things that I’m trying to do, rather than a failure to get things done.   

7 Responses to “To do: Sleep”

  1. landismom Says:

    Amen, sister. This morning, I don’t think I became fully conscious until after the kids were at school and I was on my second (or was it fifth?) cup of coffee. Sleep deprivation is bad.

  2. Maria Wood Says:

    I have my computer set to shut off at 11:30 pm for exactly that reason. I usually cancel it and do “squeeze in one more item from my to do list” (or a few), but it serves as a gentle admonition to start moving in that direction. Phoebe doesn’t usually get to sleep until 9 or later either, but luckily our schedule allows us to sleep until 7:30 or 8 am.

  3. jo(e) Says:

    Too often I stay up late because it’s the only time that I can be alone and have quiet time to myself. But then sleep deprivation makes me miserable.

  4. Mary Says:

    I turn into a pumpkin if I’m up later than 10 pm. I think sleep is important, too, although I wish I was one of those people who only needs five hours a night. I need more like eight; ten is ideal.
    Sleep is good. Glad you’re making it a priority!

  5. momzom Says:

    I’ve been lurking for a while, hanging on to this question: How do you do everything you do? You work fulltime, commute, read books (I know on the metro, but surely that’s not a book-a-week, and if it is, you have a loooooooong commute), do Shabbat, blog, maintain a great marital relationship, have two kids and run regularly. How? I stay up past 11 most nights (not much past 11) and can barely keep home and family together.
    Enjoy your extra rest–you clearly earn it.

  6. Andrea Says:

    Me, too. Always so tired, and yet by the time I get everyone in bed, dishes done, lunches packed, etc.,etc., I’m just dying for a little time to myself. And I’m more of a night owl than a morning person anyway.

  7. amy Says:

    Yeah, I used to look a lot less beat-up when I got 8 hours a night. Got sick less easily, too. I’m OK with getting to bed on time (my rule is a $25 penalty if the computer’s on past 11.30, and there’s precious little on the interweb I’ll pay $25 for), but insomnia and the stress of my husband’s illness had me averaging about five a night for the last six months. Finally went and got some Ambien and have been treating it like plutonium, but my God, does it work. Out like a light and beautiful, restful sleep on half a tab, and no palpable daytime effects. I’m treating 7+ hours a night as a form of physical therapy now. Ten minutes of meditation before bed is nice too.

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