Site stats, etc.

Academic Coach wondered whether the NY Times story sent me much traffic.  Here’s the Statcounter graph of my hits from this month:


So yes, I’ve gotten more hits than usual, but only by maybe 10 or 20 percent, not by an order of magnitude.

Recent searches that led people to this blog include:

  • This image (I linked to it back in September 2004, and I get a surprisingly regular trickle of hits from it — don’t know if it’s Library of Congress staff, or what).
  • aap recomendation peanuts
  • gogurt narnia
  • choice feminism
  • caitlin flanagan husband
  • half changed world
  • jonathan kozol the shame of the nation
  • nova scotia bump miner
  • get up grrl
  • who are the real members of the book random familiy
  • information on a black person who changed the world by doing something
  • proof that nurture wins

bj wondered whether I’m anonymous.  The answer is "sort of."  As I’ve noted before, my full name doesn’t appear anywhere on the site, but I’ve included links that would make it possible for anyone who really wanted to find me to do so.  And my family and friends know about my blog, as do some of my coworkers.  (Check out Ann Bartow’s post on "real name bloggers," via the Carnival of the Feminists 7.)

6 Responses to “Site stats, etc.”

  1. Moxie Says:

    Thanks for this.
    I love your searches, btw.

  2. academic coach Says:

    hmmm. I’m sort of surprised that more people didn’t track you down via the article.
    on an unrelated tangent…
    I remember exchanging thoughts about the novel “March” a few months ago. Did you follow up that reading experience with Doctorow’s “The March?” 2 fictionalized accounts of the civil war within a few months of one another. Interesting, eh?
    Both great I thought.

  3. Jennifer Says:

    I found it interesting how obvious the weekends were. I thought most people were more disciplined about their work than me (I’m hoping that my new job is interesting enough that I can give up my addiction to reading blogs in the office).

  4. landismom Says:

    That’s interesting–I’ve been noticing an uptick in my stats this week, since you linked to me in your ‘welcome Times readers’ post, but I’m surprised you didn’t get more hits. Sometimes, Statcounter makes me paranoid (as in, why is someone who works at the Department of Justice reading my blog on a day I posted about Red Diaper babies?), and yet I’m strangely fascinated by it.

  5. Kimmers Says:

    I find the whole debate about personal info in the blogs very interesting. Our site started as a way for distant friends and relatives to keep in touch. It blossomed into an arena for self expression, humor, and pictures and anecedotes of the kids. We never tried to hide our names because we thought we knew our audience. We were wrong.
    We disabled the robot search ability when we discovered that someone had come to our site from searching for “photo+boy+4+shower.” Ewwwwwwwww….. the world has so many wierdos. Happily this person stayed a very short time on our site, it obviously not being what he was looking for.
    Now we are basically an invite-only kind of place, but that means the traffic and the comments have died down. Such are the choices that we make…
    I really enjoy your blog. Thank you and congrats on the NY Times plug.

  6. Elizabeth Says:

    Yes, there’s a huge drop-off in readership on weekends. It’s accentuated by my general pattern of not posting on Fridays and Saturdays, but it was true even when I did try to post 7 days a week. I got many more hits last Sunday than on a usual Sunday.
    I did read The March, and liked it a lot, although I didn’t review it. Very different perspective on the war than Brooks’
    I mentioned it in the Books of the Year post:

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