Magazine musings
This week, the new issue of Parenting magazine showed up at our door, addressed to my husband. Our best guess is that the subscription is a gift from T’s parents, replacing the Money magazine that they’ve given us for several years. T’s reaction is somewhat mixed. On the one hand, as RebelDad has been complaining for ages, Parenting clearly doesn’t see fathers as a real part of their audience — the subtitle is "what really matters to moms". On the other hand, it’s kind of nice to have his parents acknowledge that parenting is the biggest piece of what he’s doing with his life right now, and he takes it seriously.
The funny thing is that I think I’m going to continue the Money subscription. The first year we got it, it helped me catch a major mistake in our taxes that would have cost us several thousand dollars. It hasn’t saved us anything like that since, but it’s generally interesting and reminds me to think about things that I’d otherwise avoid.
Money is also consistently progressive on family issues. The current issue includes an article on how a same-sex couple can best protect each other and their young daughter, given that Maryland doesn’t recognize their civil union. In the February issue, a feature on Fix Our Mix helped one of the featured families "save enough so that Mom or Dad can stay home with the kids." (I see that I pointed out a similar article last year.) In an article on spouses who travel separately, the authors acknowleged that "very few couples earn equal paychecks" and went on to say:
"Frankly, that shouldn’t matter. If one spouse is the sole or majority earner, does that mean he or she should be able to dine on steak and caviar with the gang while the other orders takeout with a friend? Of course not."
What I’m most impressed about is the matter of fact tone in which these issues are discussed.
I also wanted to point out Business Week’s new Working Parents blog, which I also found via RebelDad. They’re still getting their blogging legs, and the posts are somewhat uneven, but I’m encouraged that they’re giving it a try. The most recent post is about one of the writers’ battles with their insurance company over her son’s medical bills. One thing that I hadn’t thought about until I read it was that one of the advantages of employer-based health insurance is that it offers some means of leverage in claims disputes.
On that note, I do want to point out that Annika’s donations page is now up and running. It’s through the Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA), which makes contributions tax-deductible, and assures that they’ll be spent on medical expenses. (See this post for background.)
February 26th, 2006 at 11:07 pm
Wow, really? Money magazine sides with the working parents? Color me surprised. I’ll have to check it out.
February 27th, 2006 at 9:33 am
One of my biggest beefs about Parenting magazines (besides their Mom-centric focus) is that they seem to think that parenting stops when your children are ten. There is so little out there addressing parenting teenagers. Yet that’s the hardest stage.
February 27th, 2006 at 12:00 pm
Hey, girl, this is a really REALLY good blog. I am constantly bookmarking your stuff,requesting your books, checking out your links.
Thank you so much for writing so many wonderful and thought-provoking posts. Lots of us lurkers out there who appreciate it.
Robin (wmom)
February 27th, 2006 at 4:06 pm
I’m with Robin on that – I feel like a more thoughtful parent and human being just for reading this every day! Thanks, Elizabeth! Maybe I’ll subscribe to Money too!
And now that my kid is 12 going on 15, I’m also particularly attuned to info related to adolescence. I did order and receive Deborah Digges’ *The Stardust Lounge* based on the review and discussion here but haven’t given myself permission to read it until I get caught up on reading for a grad course I’m taking.
February 28th, 2006 at 12:36 pm
Double-Digit Children, Part 1: The Great Cell Phone Debate
When I was going around BusinessWeek recruiting writers for this Working Parents blog, I wanted a mix of parents with different experiences and points of view. We have a brand new father, a single mother, a father who travels a…
March 6th, 2006 at 11:44 am
The United Saga Continues
The head of customer care at United called just as I was leaving the office on Friday. She says UnitedHealthcare will not cover Leo’s tissue expanders because the procedure code (11960) does not allow more than one expander. I patiently…