Happy New Year
I’m usually into New Year’s resolutions, but somehow can’t come up with ones this year that I’m both excited about and can really commit to. Last year was a year of many changes — new job, D starting kindergarten, N starting preschool — and I feel like this is sort of a consolidation year.
Susan at Crunchy Granola says that her family has a tradition of coming up with a hope, a fear, and a prediction for the new year. That feels like more the right speed. My hope is that I will really come into my own in the new job, my fear is about my mother’s health, and my prediction is that I will really enjoy watching my kids’ personalities develop.
I do have some exercise goals for the month of January — 10-50-500. 10 pushups a day (starting out with full ones, moving to my knees if I run out of steam), 50 crunches a day, and 500 minutes of aerobic exercise over the course of the month. I’ve been working on editing the photos from the holidays, and I am NOT happy with how I look.
January 1st, 2007 at 9:48 pm
Actually, it’s a friend’s family (whose mother saved them each year, which makes a nice memory box at this point)–more a tradition I aspire to than one I carry out. But seeing your post makes me think that this could be the year I write them down!
Happy new year to you and yours.
January 1st, 2007 at 9:49 pm
Every year I have a New Year’s day brunch. Everyone makes 12 predictions about the upcoming year. We read the previous years predictions and give stupid prizes for who has the most and the least right. It’s much more fun than making resolutions.
January 2nd, 2007 at 9:18 am
I made a similar exercise resolution a couple of months ago. It did last for a couple of weeks before I got lazy about it again. Maybe I’ll use your example to motivate me again.
January 3rd, 2007 at 1:09 pm
I like your exercise goal very much, and may adopt it as my own. I need to get moving! When I put aerobic exercise back in my schedule in November, I noticed a big improvement in mood, and I want that back, as well as the physical benefits.
January 3rd, 2007 at 8:10 pm
I accomplished the one resolution I made – get a blog up and running. It is still in the raw stage, but I am hopeful that it well inspire me to write and produce art on a daily basis. Happy New Year!
January 9th, 2007 at 3:41 pm
i’m stealing your exercise goal as well, elizabeth. thanks for that and for your post on a distant vs judgmental god. what about e) all of the above? since we can’t know the nature of god, and if we’re to believe He is too large a concept to fathom with our human constructs, couldn’t He be sometimes distant, sometimes close? sometimes judgmental and sometimes, well, tired. or something.
i’m only half kidding. i toss this around in my mind a lot. i do feel guilt and remorse, i do pray, i do feel forgiveness. but i also see random cruelty and can’t make sense of it. i wonder that we’re not supposed to.