You blog so I don’t have to
Here are some links that readers have recently sent me:
- Parenting as a wiki (e.g. everyone’s got an opinion and they’re all different.)
- Investment banks woo employees with shorter hours
- A new Wharton program for women with MBAs and other graduate degrees returning to the workforce after a 2-7 hiatus. (And yes, it does say women. I don’t know what they’d say if a SAHD applied.)
- A blog post from Prarie Mary on how educational outcomes on reservations were affected by casino money.
- An article on the growth in SAHDs in Scotland.
And don’t forget to send your comments on the FMLA.
January 26th, 2007 at 9:01 am
That Prairie Mary piece is amazing. It’s almost as if educational achievement is an expression of hope. I am stunned.