
A month or so ago, I got an email from FlavorX, asking if I’d be interested in a sample of FlavorIT, their new home kit for adding flavorings to medicine.  I responded with an enthusiastic yes.

I’d heard of FlavorX a couple of years ago, but at the time, they only had products for use by pharmacies.  Pharmacies add the flavorings either free or for a nominal charge, but generally only for prescriptions that they fill — it’s a way to stand out from other companies, in what is basically a saturated market.  But because we have a HMO, we have to get our prescriptions filled at the HMO’s pharmacy — and they don’t do flavorings.  So after much calling around, we finally found a kindhearted pharmacist (at Alexandria Medical Arts, for anyone in the area) who was willing to do it.  (We had our cat’s prescriptions filled there, so they did make some money off of us.)

So, I was thrilled to hear that these flavorings were now available for home use.  But, I didn’t want to post about it until we had actually tried it, and D has been relatively healthy of late.  But the other day, he complained of a stomach ache until we broke out the Zantac, and gave it a try.  The kit comes with a bottle of sweetener and four different flavorings.  I think we did a drop of the sweetener and one of the bubblegum.  He still grimaced at the taste — but he drank it. 

So, if you have a kid who resists taking medicine, I’d definitely give this a try.  The one thing that I wish they did differently is provide a medicine syringe for mixing the flavorings in, rather than a spoon.  The syringe wastes less medicine, and is good for shooting the medicine into the back of the mouth, so there’s less opportunity to taste it.

One Response to “FlavorIT”

  1. K Says:

    I’ve worked in the IT industry for too long…I saw the post heading and assumed it was some sort of new application.
    Glad it worked for you! Our kids have graduated to tablet/pill medicine (for the OTC stuff, anyway) so we missed this innovation.

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