checking in

I got a kind email asking if I was ok, since I hadn't posted in a while.  Thanks for asking – I'm fine.  I had a business trip from Monday to Thursday, and then have been catching up with sleep, household chores, and hanging out with my family.  D had a sinus infection, which is responding well to antibiotics, and I've got a low-level cold.

Some odds and ends from the week:

  • The meeting I attended was a conference of people working on economic policy from a social justice angle, mostly at the state level.  I came away even more depressed than I had been.
  • The meeting was in Las Vegas, where I had never been.  I spent about $5 on slot machines, but otherwise avoided the gambling.  Someone told me that the hotels were at about 10 percent of their usual occupancy rates.  It ticked me off that the hotel we were at (Bally's) charged for both internet access and the gym.  My room had a view of the "Eiffel Tower."
  • At home, we started getting Netflix on Tivo.  Very nice.  Watched The King of Kong thanks to Flea's review.
  • Went to the local "Plan for Change" meeting this afternoon.  There was much confusion/disagreement about whether we were supposed to be picking national level issues to work on, or something local (and within our control).  Needed to leave before the end in order to pick up the boys from their playdate, but can't say I was overwhelmed by what I saw.

One Response to “checking in”

  1. liz Says:

    At this season, I never get worried when a friend goes off line for a while! I’m glad you’re back tho!

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