Hey, I won!

No, not the lottery, or the BoB awards, or the Koufax awards, or even Blogging for BooksI won Jay’s Subtitle My Book Contest.  Except that doesn’t actually mean he’s going to use my recommendation for his subtitle (Adventures of a Reluctant Father) — he picked an entry at random. But hey, I WON.  And I get to read Jay’s book.

Happy Delurking Day!  I’d love to hear from all of my readers.

11 Responses to “Hey, I won!”

  1. Suzanne Says:

    Delurking … Hi, Elizabeth! Congratulations on your award. I think it’s a great subtitle.
    (I thought about mentioning this new holiday on my site but then decided that I couldn’t handle the rejection if no one left a comment. Sometimes I wonder if I’m just too self-conscious for blogging!)

  2. CE Petro Says:

    Congrats on the award! Awesome.

  3. Robin Says:

    I’ve commented on this blog before. Can I say HEY anyway. I feel compelled.

  4. t Says:

    De-lurking…love your blog! I read it every day!

  5. Purple Elephant Says:

    I’m de-lurking! I discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago and I think it is a great read! Keep it up!

  6. Karyn Says:

    New to your blog and jumping on the de-lurk bandwagon. 😉

  7. Elise Says:

    Well I’m not exactly de-lurking because I comment here all the time, but I do want to say how much I enjoy your blog.

  8. Van Says:

    I’ve been enjoying your blog ever since you mentioned it on DCWM.

  9. jen Says:

    I comment all the time but am still happy to chime in!

  10. Megan Says:

    Delurking from the deep South! Congratulations on the subtitle — even if it hadn’t been a random drawing, I think it should have won on merit.

  11. Sisyphus Says:

    Just started reading your site. Excellent stuff.

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