Mothers Day

Last year, all I wanted for Mothers’ Day was for T. to take the boys out for the morning so I could sleep in and read the newspaper in peace for once.  This year, I’m not so desperate.  Not sure what that means.  D. keeps telling me that he made something for me at preschool, but he can’t tell me what it is because it’s a secret.  He also thinks he should make me a cake, having watched the Dora mother’s day episode.

The Washington Post’s obligatory Mothers’ Day story actually does a nice job of pointing out that "working" and "stay-at-home" mothers are points on a continuum, not polar opposites. 

I’ve been having a lot of fun playing with my new toy.  I’m totally addicted to Village Sim, but it annoys me that the women do absolutely nothing else during the two years that they nurse.  All of our hunter-gatherer ancestors would have starved to death if that were really the case.

2 Responses to “Mothers Day”

  1. Phantom Scribbler Says:

    Sims can’t blog with one hand while nursing a baby with the other? How unrealistic!

  2. Suzanne Says:

    My perfect Mothers’ Day was Father in Chief taking Toddler in Chief to the aviation museum so that I could go out with other mom friends and enjoy a coctail and dessert. Only instead of an annual event, I think it should be a weekly one.

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