Good reading elsewhere

No post tonight, because I’m going to torture myself by watching the State of the Union address.

Instead, I point you to some terrific reading elsewhere:

Wampum very generously hosts the Koufax awards (e.g. blog awards for lefties).  Only a few categories are up so far, but there’s lots of interesting posts in there:

Categories include:

(Has anyone done an OPML file of all the nominees?  I see a lot of people putting them in their blogrolls, but there’s no way I have the time to do that manually.)

I’d also like to point out the new BlogHer site, which is doing a great job of highlighting interesting posts from a range of different blogs, mostly by women.    Cynical Mom and Anne have already announced that they’re attending the convention this year.  I wish I could be there, but can’t justify the $$ and time to schlepp out to California.

4 Responses to “Good reading elsewhere”

  1. Moxie Says:

    I wish there would be a BlogHer East for those of us on this side of the Mississippi.
    Congratulations on your nomination.

  2. landismom Says:

    I agree on the BlogHer East idea, that would be great.

  3. Elisa Camahort Says:

    We’re going to do BlogHer East in 2007. This year we focused on growing it from one day to two days. 🙂

  4. Moxie Says:

    Excellent. Sign me up for next year, then.

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