nearly forgot

I nearly forgot to do my annual meme where I post the first line of the first post of each month:

  • Happy New Year!  I was offline for a while because we took the boys to Florida to see their grandparents and aunt.
  • I'm really not a football fan, but D's teacher got him all excited
    about the super bowl, even though he's never watched a football game,
    so we're letting him stay up and hanging out watching it with him.
  • I'm starting to do my taxes, so I've been looking at my Prosper statement.
  • In skimming today's Washington Post, I saw a short blurb that says that women's careers are responsible for one-third of corporate relocations, up from 15 percent in 1993.
  • I took the BoltBus up to NYC and back this weekend, so thought I'd post a review.
  • The recent discussion of budgeting and how we're dealing with rising prices inspired me to revisit my experiment of trying to stick to the thrifty food plan for a month.
  • Back from the camping trip with my college friend.
  • I've got several long thoughtful posts that I'd like to write, but I've just been crashing before I get to my blogging time.

  • In response to my initial post about Palin, Beth posted a comment questioning her judgment as the mother of a child with Down syndrome choosing to take on the responsibilities of being VP.  
  • I seem to have fallen out of the routine of doing regular weekly book reviews. 
  • Since I think I'll be a bit distracted on Tuesday night, I'm posting this week's book review tonight.
  • I knew that December 1 is World AIDS Day, but I hadn't realized that it was first observed 20 years ago. 

I'm shocked at how few political posts made this list, given that it feels like I spend the year obsessing about the election.  (To be fair, the line about the super bowl comes in a post about how this is an easy post to write while I was waiting for the caucus results.)

I see there were lots of personal posts.  In part this is because after 4+ years of blogging, I feel like my regular readers know me fairly well, and care about what's going on in my life.  And in part it's because my energy for blogging was lower this year (due to the demands of work, family and politics), and the personal posts are easier to write than the deeply analytic ones.

What would you all like to see more of here in 2009?

3 Responses to “nearly forgot”

  1. jen Says:

    Elizabeth, I’ve always loved your posts about the intersection between your personal life/circumstances and your informed view of politics and policy. It’s one thing to hear someone gripe about work/life balance. (Gee, I’ve never heard that before.) It’s another thing to hear someone break down the specific policies that contribute to lack of balance, and the resulting statistics.

  2. liz Says:

    I love all your posts, so I just want more!

  3. Nan Says:

    Yeah – I am happy to leave the decision-making to you, Elizabeth. Your writing is always interesting.

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