TBR: Julie and Julia
December 27th, 2005The Julie/Julia Project was the first blog I ever read, back when I didn’t really know what a blog was. I think someone posted a link to it on one of my email lists, several months into the project, and I read a few posts and was hooked. In it, Julie Powell documented her attempt to cook every single recipe in Volume 1 of Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking in the course of a year. She wrote about the dishes that turned out great and the dishes that she tortured her friends with, the days when she was interviewed on television and the days when she didn’t get home from work until 8 pm and had to start cooking a dish that takes at least 3 hours to cook.
So, I really wanted to like Julie and Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen. But I didn’t. It wasn’t as funny as the blog, didn’t have the detailed information about the food and, of course, didn’t have the element of uncertainty that was in the blog. By the very fact that I was holding the book in my hand, I knew that Julie finished the project, got a nice book contract, and was even able to quit her crappy government job.
Maybe the book would be more compelling to someone who hadn’t read the blog and so hadn’t heard many of the most interesting stories already. But I’m not sure. One of the recurring themes in both the blog and the book is the crappy little kitchen that Julie had to work in. In the blog, she mentioned several times that it’s so small that she had to perch her food processor on top of the trash can. That’s a wonderful image, bringing the scene to life. She never uses it in the book. What happened?
Last week, Julie was quoted in the NY Times as saying that she no longer searches for herself on blogs. I hope that’s true, because I feel mean for saying negative things about the book when I got so much pleasure from the blog.